"Romero and Juliet" by 'William Shakespeare' is an excellent example of Atmosphere creation. It includes disasters events which provoke the feeling of fear.
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Atmosphere definition

Atmosphere is a literary work of art. It refers to the feeling, emotion, or a mood a writer conveys to a readers through the description of setting and Objects.

               The word "Atmosphere" comes from the Greek words Atoms, meaning "vapor" and Sphaira, meaning "ball" or "globe". The definition of atmosphere refers to the literaral envelope of gases surrounding a planet. However, the literary understanding of atmosphere comes from the words like aura, climate or feeling of a place.

      Atmosphere creates a feeling of happiness, terror or any other feeling in the mind of the readers. 
Shakespeare create tense and fearful atmosphere in "hamlet" by the use of nervous dialogues. 

Example :

  • "Romero and Juliet"

       "Romero and Juliet" by 'William Shakespeare' is an excellent example of Atmosphere creation. It includes disasters events which provoke the feeling of fear. 

Atmosphere : Atmosphere definition | Literary elements | Term 2020 english notes literature pdf
Atmosphere definition


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