Ode to The West Wind P.B Shelley :  Poems | Theme
Ode to The West Wind P.B Shelley :  Poems | Theme

Ode to The West Wind by P.B Shelley


                     'Ode to The West Wind' is one of the finest poems of Shelley .P.B Shelley is one of the most popular english romantic poets and is regarded as a great lyrical poet in english language . His well-known poems are "The cloud", when soft voices Die", "A Bridal Song","A Dialouge" and many more.

                        Ode to The West Wind is a poem addressed to the west wind . The poet shows the activities of the west wind on the land , in the sky and on the sea. He then discovers a likeness between himself and the west wind. He is fed of his passive life and wants to be swift like the west wind.
                           The power of the west is shown on land in two ways. Its presence can be felt and not seen. It acts like a magician driving away the dead leaves like ghosts At the Same time, The west wind buries the seeds in the earth for germination. Then,the earth is filled with sweet and fragrant flowers of different colours. In this way the west wind plays a role of destroyer and a preserver.

                           The west wind drives the clouds across the sky. The clouds bring rain and thunder. The west wind also sings the death song of the year.
                           The west wind shows its power over the ocean also. It wakes the blue Mediterranean and the Atlantic from summer dreams. Its power can be felt on both the surface and the bottom of the ocean. The sea plants, Flower and the leaves shake and tremble with the noise of the west wind.
                           Unfortunately, the poet has lost his youthful enery and could not race with the wind. His tameless and swift spirit has crushed under the burden of life. So,he requests to the west wind to lift him as a wave , a leaf or a cloud.

                               The poet desires that the west wind should spread his message among mankind . He wants to seateer his "dead Thoughts" so that new ideals night take birth in the world . The period of sorrow life must end and the golden age must come :
                                If winter comes,can spring be far behind ? No Never !

                              In short , the poet wants to convey an optimistic message to mankind that good times are coming after bad times.

Gagandeep Kaur Chahal


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