Jeet Thayil

Short Theme

Fool and Flea

"Fool and Flea" is a poem written by Jeet Thayil. He is a Poet, Novelist, and Musician. The poem Fool and Flea is a short, simple poem that describes his simple style.

The poem examines the relationship between man and woman in marriage. The poet does not present a positive view of marriage. The poem outwardly seems simple, but it has a deep meaning. Married people, who are a mismatch have been hinted at here. Again, there are people whose lives and habits are no better than insects and fleas.

The poet presents a marriage scene of a Fool and Flea. Normally, marriage is seen between a man and a woman. Here Flea is a metaphor. The habits of a woman are compared with Flea. People have gathered to join the function of marriage between a Fool and Flea.  There is no equality of mental plain. The fool is happy to get a partner. In us his joy, he sings and starts working. A Flea is a blood-sucking insect. She gathers the earning of her husband. It is hoped that both will make obedient with the passage of time.

The Fool will work like a Slave and Sacrifice his freedom. The Flea will deprive from a happy chance. It shows that their life is boring. They will spend their life in this way and then die. The fool will die first. The Flea glutton. She eats more and as a result, She will burn and die.

The poet tries to convey the idea that such a life. is not different from the life of animals and insects. Most of the couples lead a life of cats and dogs. This happens because of mismatch. The theme of the poem is lucid and suitable.

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