Kublaa Khan by S.T Coleridge english books Theme pdf 2020
Kulba Khan poem


Kubla khan Poem
                      Kubla Khan Poem is the fragment and a dream-poem by S.T.Coleridge. He is a romantic poet and famous for his description of supernatural elements. He is also for his works on literature , religion, and the organization of society. His famous poems include "The Rime of the Ancient Mariner", "Christabel", "Fears in Solitude" etc.

           Coleridge himself describes 'Kubla Khan' as the fragment of dream. It is said that the poet was asleep under the effect of opium. The poem came to him in a dream. He saw Kubla Khan's pleasure palace in his dream after reading the account of Kubla Khan in an old book of travels written by purchas. He woke and started writing the poem. He could write down fifty four lines only because he was disturbed by a visitor. Therefore, he could not add a single line.

           Kubla Khan, the powerful ruler ordered to make a grand pleasure palace on the banks of river Alph in Xanadu. A vast area of fertile land was chosen for his purpose. It was encircled by walls and towers. There were beautiful gardens, forests, streams and hills .

           The river Alph was the sacred river that passed through Xanadu. It followed through the measureless caves to the sunless sea. Then it fell into dark lifeless ocean with great noise Kubla Khan heard the prophecy of war by his forefathers in this noise. They warned him of the coming war and danger.

            The second part of the poem is about the poet's vision of an Abyssinian girl. She was playing on her dulcimer and singing a sweet song about Mount Abora. The sang about the savage beauty of that Mountain peak. the poet says that if he could recreate the girl's music, he would be able to show this pleasure palace in the air. her song would have a powerful effect on the poet. The onlookers would be afraid of him due to his supernatural powers.

           Supernaturalism is a romantic quality. Kubla Khan Poem is considered a masterpiece of supernaturalism.   

Gagandeep Kaur Chahal

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