Journey of The Magi



“Journey of the Magi” is a famous poem by T.S. Eliot. He was a poet, essayist, publisher and literary critic. He won the Nobel prize in Literature for his outstanding pioneer Contribution to present-day poetry. His famous works include :

  • The waste Land
  • The Hollow Men
  • The cocktail party and more.

                     "Journey of the Magi" is based on the biblical story connected with the birth of Christ. It describes the ‘journey of Magi’ to reach Bethlehem, when Jesus Christ was born. The Magi were three wise men of the East. They (wise men, wine led to the newborn Jesus by a new star. They understood that a new saviour of mankind had been born. One of the three wise men tells of their joint quest for Jesus Christ was born on December 25. So, the Magi had to undertake their journey when it was bitterly cold. There was snow on their way. The camels were uncontrollable. Their grooms proved faithless.

                           The Magi met hostile people in cities and towns. They had no shelter. In the village they had to pay so high prices. The wise men were regarded with suspicion. They were sorry that why they had set out on such an uncomfortable Journey. 

                          The wise men reached a pleasant valley after crossing high mountains, Then they came to a village by the sea-side. At last the Magi reached their destination, the birthplace of Christ. They were satisfied with their journey. The birth of Christ was the birth of a new faith, for them. At the same time, it was the death of the old order. They felt a sense of spiritual rebirth.

                             In short, the journey of the Magi is the inner struggle of the human soul in quest of the kingdom of heaven. The poem describes that religion can help a man if he does not dwell upon doubs.   

Journey of The Magi

Gagandeep Kaur Chahal

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